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poker en ligne

Wow! It was fascinating to read your report about Thorin Oakenshield and his ancestors. As I see you do really enjoy to research famous family trees. It's awesome, thanks a lot


The following books will yield further info about Thorin, his genealogy, family history, the creation of the race by Aule, its disemination over the Blue Mountains into the West, and the dwarrows' alliances/feuds with the other races (and why):

The Books of Lost Tales
The Book of Unfinished Tales
The Silmarillion
The appendices of LotR

If you're reallllllly ambitious, you can also delve into the multi-volume, annotated texts on Tolkien's notes that were edited by his son, Christopher. Heavy plodding at times, but full of interesting minuitae. ;)


Thanks for these references :). I have Unfinished Tales but not the Books of the Lost Tales. History of Middle Earth sounds interesting too, but I have no idea where to start. Hopefully this holiday season I will be able to delve into Middle Earth and Dwarf history a little more. (Also will adjust this post).

Your comments and input are greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for visiting the blog!

PS: Managed to pick up a 1st edition of The Silmarillion on ebay and some older editions of Lord of the Rings (to replace the volumes my late father in law had. They were loaned to someone and never returned).

Matthew Beckmann

I'm loving your blog! I stumbled on it a while back and it got me rereading all of Tolkien's books (and their appendices) Thanks for your extremely informative maps and charts.


Thanks so much for such an informative article, Thorin's family and the line of Durin is something I find so interesting!


May i ask with what program this family tree graphic was made with?

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About this blog

  • Actor Richard Armitage has been cast as Thorin Oakenshield in Peter Jackson's The Hobbit Movies. This blog aims to explore the stories about Tolkien's dwarves and any other material that may be related to The Hobbit. I have been a long time follower of Richard Armitage's work and have also developed a great love and appreciation of Tolkien's writings. I was captivated by Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies and will wait with great anticipation to see how he can bring "The Hobbit" to life for audiences.

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