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May 26, 2004



lol, I try to avoid complaining in my blog. But I'll see what I can do.

Coup de Vent

That's a good list, Jenny. I definitely identify with those items. Worst being being tailgated in a slow school zone.


I just thought you might like an inventory of all the bloggers you have inspired to complain. Here they are:

So, including your post, that's 68 complaints. (Snozzle5 only had eight.)


ROFL - thanks for this! By the way I'm still working on the audioblog meme - you never know I maybe able to expose you to the dreaded "Oz accent" ...so stay tuned.

cal c. calumettt

In the foregoing list of 10 things found most aggravating in the previous week, three are dangerous, and one of those three is: SUVs that obstruct vision at intersections.

My opinion: SUVs being driven will move out of the way in a short time, but parked SUVs often critically obstruct vision and they do not move.

SUVs should be barred from on-street parking, for reason that they create very serious vision obstruction for drivers of other vehicles.

Off-street parking is another matter, where SUVs,campers and the like, do not create serious safety problems.

Pass ordinances to prohibit on-street parking of SUVs, campers, boats, trailers, etc. and we'll go a long way to making driving safer. We need proactive action like this.


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