I heard on the grapevine that Richard Armitage is working on a new project - "The Seville Communion/The Man from Rome".
From IMDb:
"A computer hacker penetrates Vatican security and sends an urgent anonymous plea to the pope. Handsome Father Quart, of the church's Institute of External Affairs, an arm of the Vatican intelligence, is dispatched to investigate. The message of the hacker concerns a crumbling 17th century Baroque church in the heart of Seville that apparently "kills to defend itself"."
I'm not familiar with any of the other cast members, but a "theological thriller" sounds right up my ally. Mr 'M' and I recently unearthed a 1987 thriller called "The Rosary Murders" - a little gruesome, but very suspenseful. ("Edge of the Chair" genre of film).
... but wait ... Variety reports what appears to be a different "The Man from Rome" movie set in Holland?? Curious .... then perhaps the film Richard Armitage is doing will have to be "The Seville Communion"? I will have to delve further into this mystery.
As we are still hopefully walking part of the Spanish Camino in 2022 (Ojalá!), I am continuing to plod along (at snail's pace) with my Spanish. ¿Quizás la película será en español? (¿Quizás la película sea en español? Subjunctive??). I've decided that a lot of things to do with Richard Armitage in terms of future projects/appearances can be referenced in the subjunctive
Aquí está la nueva foto de perfil de Richard en twitter:
Es interesante ¿No?