I have not really been inspired to write on any of my blogs this year - Facebook took over simply because the friends I have met through Church and through Lord of the Rings/Hobbit tours all use it to keep in touch. This means that I rarely practise writing skills and I have not posted about our various walking adventures .... actually the travel/place blog is where the travel writing should be .... and of course, Richard Armitage writing has been sadly neglected.
Writing this post forces me to sit down for at least a short while. Am I hyperactive in my senior years? There is a sense of guilt attached to actually sitting and not using my time to physically "do things". THis is one of the reasons I enjoy audio narrations.
When Richard Armitage appeared on my television screen, I had never taken much of an interest in actors, film, TV apart from when I was 16 and had a crush on Robert Redford. Given my association with the Church, I had watched every episode of the Vicar of Dibley - much of it was absurd, but ..... there were glimpses of 'real Church' woven into the absurdity, and glimpses of characters I actually identified with. Enter the "Handsome Stranger" .... that was a lightening bolt moment for both Geraldine and me. "Who the heck is that actor?" I asked my family. "Guy of Gisborne, Mum!" replied my son with accompanying eyeroll. Anyone who has ever read this blog knows the rest. I went from lurking on the outskirts of the Richard Armitage fanbase, to becoming a full on active member of the forums. I wrote on them, I spent hours making screencaps, and I even sent a letter to Richard (!). I fell out of favour (long story) with the fanbase and began blogging. I was an avid supporter of him being cast in The Hobbit film (in 2008, it was to be one only); my suggestion of that casting (Bard the Bowman) was rebuffed by many of the old timer fans (of which I am now one, I fear). October 2010, lo and behold, he was cast as Thorin! I've done the red carpet thing ... once (never again) ... I've cried and I've laughed; I've been envious; I've been happy ....
....So where am I now in my journey? My good friend, Brian, who I met in 2012 in NZ for the World Premiere of The Hobbit asked me in May this year if I was still a fan of Richard Armitage or had I gone off him? I had to think of the answer, as my interest has definitely waned. I'm not as enthusiastic as I was .... the initial intensity has decreased to a simmer. I don't feel the need to avidly scour the forums or twitter or blogs twice or three times a day for news. I might even go a few days without looking for news. That said, I do have twitter notifications, and he has been tweeting quite a bit, recently. I'm thrilled with all the audiowork he has been doing - that is definitely where my interest lies. In terms of screen/TV, I have not seen "Oceans 8"; I did not get around to watching "Urban and the Shed Crew" and I am meaning to watch Berlin Station Series 3 .... when I get time. I no longer gush over his looks, in fact, that makes me personally, uncomfortable these days. Perhaps that's why I prefer the voice work. He is a good narrator, and getting better every time I hear him. Would I spend some of my retirement funds on travelling to see him in a play? Only if I happened to be in the same country. Would I see the play more than once? Probably not. Would I do stage door? Good question - having been missed once, I don't think I'm keen to repeat the experience. Did I actually answer Brian's question? Not sure .... I am interested in Richard's career development, I love his audiowork, but I can take or leave his screen work.
All that said - I would love to see him get an award. Many years after my crush on Robert Redford had completely dissipated, I was surprised and really pleased to see him win an Academy Award for Best Director for Ordinary People. When I liked him (1974), Redford was sneered at in the media because of his looks and heart throb image - he hated that image too (describing his part in The Way We Were as a "Ken doll" part).... and disappeared off screen. He came back many years later after re-inventing himself and was applauded for it! I'm uncertain where Richard Armitage is heading in his career, but maybe a trip to the Sundance Festival could provide some inspiration for him? Who knows?
My year as it was?
- Mum has an unhealed fracture of her distal femur and is now in a wheelchair in high care. I visit three times a week when I can, and facilitate communication with my siblings via Skype and speaker phone. (She is unable to use either).
- Mr M retired at the beginning of the year because of deteriorating vision. (I'm now the driver which does not sit well with me ... so we are walking and catching buses instead. I nag too much)
- We both do voluntary work for the Cathedral.
- I've set up a music/play group for pre-schoolers which has replaced my work with children in hospital. Still miss the oncology work with kids.
- Our eldest daughter has been in and out of hospital this year but has discovered her talent for writing poetry.
- Our youngest daughter is engaged - so glad Australia passed marriage equality!!
- Our son is working hard up in QLD, so fun to visit that part of the world.
- Added: I went to a meet up of Richard Armitage well-wishers in Melbourne in October. A thousand thanks go to Mezz of Mesmerised By Richard who organised the Event. (BTW - Mezz is a far better fan than I am! ).
- We completed a 180km walk in the UK in May. (Feet and blisters were my main challenge). Currently about to prepare for the Great Ocean Walk in VIC in March next year.