Disclaimer: I have not read any reviews of Pilgrimage to date as I wanted to avoid spoilers. Hopefully my opinion of the film is not too way off!!
I've had the DVD for some time now, but it has been difficult to find a time to actually sit down in my lounge room to watch Pilgrimage on a decently sized TV screen. I had heard that the scenery and cinematography were spectacular, and I was not disappointed. Actually, Mr 'M' and I watched this together and both of us agreed that it was good. I'm glad we were prewarned about the violence, but in all honesty, it was no worse than some of the other films we have seen. Anyone who has had a tour through Weta Workshop, would probably agree with me that once you have seen how wounds and 'gore' (for want of a better word) are created for film, what you see on screen becomes a little less horrifying. (I was able to suspend belief for some of the scenes in this .... and I shut my eyes in parts as well).
Set in Ireland in 1209, A Cistercian monk arrives at a small Monastery charged with a mission from the Pope to return a holy Relic (the stone that killed St Matthias - the apostle chosen to replace Judas) to Rome. (Judas' name is mentioned in association with Richard Armitage's character, Sir Raymond de Merville, half way through the film).
Brother Geraldus (the Cistercian monk sent by the Pope)
A small band of monks were chosen to accompany the sacred stone (considered to have magical power) and Brother Geraldus across Ireland which at the time was a country torn by tribal conflict and war with the Norman invaders. They were then to board a ship to France and travel on to Rome. From the start of their journey, it was fairly obvious that the odds were against them. They were attacked and betrayed, the relic was stolen and retrieved, and it became fairly obvious that young Brother Diarmuid and his protector (The Mute) would carry the burden of the relic to the port of Waterford under the fanatical charge of Brother Geraldus. (I'd like to add here, that Mr 'M' and I felt there were one or two parallels with Lord of the Rings where a young Frodo is charged with the responsibility of the Ring. "Keep it Secret; Keep it Safe").
The four main protagonists were well played by Tom Holland (Brother Diarmuid - the Novice); Jon Bernthal (The Mute); Richard Armitage (Raymond de Merville) and Stanley Weber (Brother Geraldus). Supporting cast was also strong.
Tom Holland - Brother Diarmuid
Jon Berthal - The Mute
Richard Armitage - Raymond de Merville
The aspects of the film I really enjoyed were the scenery (wild and untamed); the mystery and superstition surrounding the Relic and also the superstitions and beliefs of the indigenous tribal people. The juxtaposition between a man of sceptical faith (Sir Raymond) and the almost fanatical faith of Brother Geraldus. The innocence of Brother Diarmuid and the loyalty of the Mute. The ending I thought was very appropriate - the Relic belonged to no man, but to God. That's how I saw it, anyway.
I guess it would be a bit remiss of me not to pay some attention to Richard Armitage's performance. As an old timer fan, his Sir Raymond is always how I imagined Sir Guy should have been if Robin Hood had not been such a farcical show. Sir Raymond was a total cad, but I understood his scepticism with regard to religion and the importance of the holiness of the relic. I guess I've never understood relics or Saints. The role itself was quintessential Armitage. I enjoyed his French speaking and his accent. It added something a little different to his performance, and I can understand why he stated in an interview that this role allowed him to experiment a little. (I'll have to hunt out the reference).
In conclusion, this film deserves to be shown more widely. I for one would like to see it get an airing at an Australian film festival or on SBS TV. It is a classy production.
Modified to Add: I am a chalice assistant at our Cathedral and wow ..... I'm so pleased I don't ever see expressions like these when I offer a communicant the wine!!!! (I suppose I'd expect an expression like this from people who don't think women should be in the Sanctuary)