I had promised myself that I would write something about Castlevania before I got much older. I actually watched it quite a while ago now, and really should rewatch, but there are other TV shows and movies on Netflix that appeal to me more.
Castlevania ....what is it? As I am in my dotage, I would call it a cartoon for adults. Wikipedia describes it more techinically as an "adult animated web television series". with artwork that is based on Japanese Anime - my son is a fan of anime, but when I asked him if he had seen Castlevania, I discovered that he did not get Netflix and so I shall have to wait until he is down for Christmas in order to get his opinion on whether this is good or not. This should give you a hint as to how I find it, and the reason I have returned to blogging as I have found it difficult to express an honest opinion about any work Richard Armitage has done without incurring a set down from an element of people in the fanbase who love everything he does, and object to those who may express a differing opinion.
Source: Screencapped from the Trailer
I managed to watch one and a half episodes of Castlevania before needing a break, and thinking I would not be able to watch anymore. I persevered however, and watched all four episodes. Mr 'M' on the other hand asked me to turn it off after the first 10 minutes. I'm sure that fans of anime will think differently, but for me, the stiff, robotic movements of the characters with poor lip synch did nothing to enhance my viewing enjoyment..... in fact I found it downright irritating! (Aside: I can tell you, I was howled at by members of the APT for expressing this). .... and there were quite graphic fight scenes featuring evil looking monsters/demons, disembowelments, limbs being torn off, and beheadings. A pity there were no sex scenes with Trevor and the heroine ... I have to wonder if the animators would be as graphic with those scenes as they are with violence. Might be worth watching future episodes to find out
In order to overcome my dislike of the animations, I actually listened rather than watched the final two episodes. That made it mildly entertaining for me.
The only voice I recognised was that of Trevor (Richard Armitage). I couldn't make out Graham McTavish's voice, and I am unfamiliar with the other voice actors. I sense this was a lot of fun for the actors to make - jaded and often inebriated Trevor must have caused a few guffaws behind the scenes. He is a a very flawed hero, and despite my reservations concerning the animations, and the silliness of the story, I'm looking forward to the next adventures of Trevor, Dracula, Sypha, and others.