Many of you know that I often send emails to Harry to check to see how he is and to ask invite him to help with the occasional blogpost. Well, from my posts written over the weekend, you will no doubt have guessed that I hadn't heard from him and I was a little worried that perhaps the tone of my emails was a bit bossy. I therefore changed my approach and more courteously asked him to help. I attach a copy of my latest email to him for your interest.
I thankfully received a reply today, and a bonus - Geraldine sent me an email as well!! (The "Guy" they are referring to is none other than Guy of Gisborne who has found a sympathetic ear in Geraldine .... yep, she has been counselling him!). As far as I am concerned, the sooner he finds a good woman to settle down with and learn to ignore that silly Marian, the sooner he will reform his ways! You'll see that Harry thinks I am being undiplomatic where Guy is concerned.....
Harry's reply to me.
Lovely Harry, but as if I am going to ask Guy for permission to write about other characters on this blog!
Here's a bonus email from Geraldine - I was really happy to receive this!
MTA: I'm only just a little bit bonkers really .... with quite a bit of imagination
Harry has already sent me the first part of his story, BTW. I'll post it tomorrow.